Once again my updating this blog has taken long than I intended, much longer. I've been updating my tumblr more often yet I plan to keep this blog active. Check kmrussellart.tumblr.com for more frequent updates, mostly sketch work though. In any case it's almost been a year since I've been in the Chicagoland area and it' been an experience, not the way I expected though. That's life for ya though, still working on my craft and making steps to be professional, also figuring out my own plan and such and realize that people jut won't get somethings if they don't care to look. Can't let that bother you and jut follow your own convictions. I have recently become an uncle, my brother is now a dad. I remember him as a baby to think that he now has a son is quite funny to think about. Time goes on, this year is almost up and I'm just going to work through it and see what happens next year. Easy to look at my life as being crazy but considering the myriad of problem and occurences in the world, Typhoon Haiyan for one on top the economy and the usual problems, I'm doing alright. On to some sketches and such, with some digital work thrown in.