It's been an interesting last few weeks, many things have crossed my mind and I've been in a different place almost weekly mentally when I'm considering what and where I'm going in life. Taking action despite my fears and the gaping possibility and chance of failure seem to be it. Funny enough that describes my approach to many areas not all though in my life these last few years, from heading of to art school without much except a single months worth of rent and no idea how I would pay for school to leaving Illinois and returning to Florida with no idea of what chances and hurdles waited for me.
In either case over the last 7 years I've had my successes in earning my BFA and failures with the bust of a job hunt (an art job or decent paying one in Illinois/Chicago). So here I am at the beginning of summer having worked at my current job for some almost 9 months, scary how fast time moves when you have routine and a boring job. Yet it has allowed me on not much pay to get my own place and finally get a decently powerful computer to pursue areas I have been lacking in my skill set.
Honestly I never expected to be able to get my own spot yet it worked out at just the right time and just within my price range. I've ben pushing myself even more in freelancing and learning and honing my skills. My dream is to make this full time and leave the 9-5, my current gig has soured that scenario for me. It seems I'm not the type for it. I hope for the best as usual but work to expect the worst. I may switch to a part time gig soon. Recently the passing of one of my favorite figure instructors made me really reflect on his advice the way I have grown over the last few years. I have fond memories of his classes and the rush of finally being able to learn and pursue my passions in art and learning. I would have loved to speak to him again but it's been a scramble to just get by much less visit people these last few years. Farewell Fiore Custode, your words and ocassional jokes at my expense still make me chuckle and keep my pencil and brush moving.
Anyhow here are some sample of a few of my recent works in progress, for more steady updates please check for daily updates via Instagram.