Saturday, February 15, 2025

Just life in 2025

 Been a good while since my last update. Still here and drawing, art making and just taking it day by day. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Less cussing, more art making.

 Surprised I'm adding a new post. I have been at this artistic pursuit of mine for some time. Its been interesting and occasionally I step back and look at what I'm doing and say I have been improving. Yet the vision for where I want to go still moves. On to the illustration art stuff. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Waking up from the mind f--k

 The last few years have been trying, especially these last almost two years. Eye opening and clarifying on how I view our society and some personal relationships. Its sick how much we hold each other back and how it's the ones you love will be the ones who let you down in critical times. Yet they show right back up like nothing happened demanding more and trying to keep you in a box.

Especially in my experience being an artist/illustrator/storyteller. Count your blessings if your family has your best interest. If they don't , keep moving and hold your own. Some wise folks years ago told me to go my own way after art school, at the time it only worked for me to go back home and do the "right" thing. That next few taught me that it's the ones you love who hurt you most. Do not underestimate the pettiness and bitterness that people hold in there heart. They will try to take away your hear and soul.

Luckily I have been able to hold my own and these last couple years have just dropped the load of giving a shit about what those who claim to love me expect. I should have done this years ago in hindsight. I think I am wiser and certainly able to handle my own. Pushing myself into my art and making what I can and want of life. Here is some recent works. Planning to make more regular updates.

Monday, December 14, 2020

A cool night near the end of this hot year 2020

 Finally updating my blog after more than a year. Still in Melbourne but not working currently, due the pandemic. Tough to find work, had one interview that did not go any where after one actual day on site. Apparently I was good but not a match. a blow to my ego, a week after my birthday. Doesn't help how I think of things in some ways but makes me that much more focused on my own work. 

A year of loses of way too many people from this pandemic. Yet I keep running into people not taking it seriously. A few related to me, people I have bent over backwards for. Yet cannot for this, this shit is serious. Been through too much struggle and development over these last two years especially mostly on my own. Grinding and building myself back up from a very dark time.

Life is precious despite the horrors and obscenities we witness. Believe me, when I didn't know if i was going to see the morning at one point. Seeing the sunlight gradually warm the colors of the trees in the parking lot and hearing the birds song hit me. 

Any how enough gripping, times are hard and so much is still ahead of us. Not the time to quit being vigilant.

Here's some of that work. 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

One year later...almost

Been a while since my increasingly infrequent updates. Moved out of Orlando since then after a health scare due to toxic job place, both mentally and physically. Moved to Melbourne/Palm Bay, got my own place and also a nice little car of my own. Work as a graphic artist doing wide format printing but also screen printing and sign making. Working like tasteful brute but doing better than last year and to think of it the years before. Have not scanned in any of the year so far work I realize but still making that pen and brush (including the stylus) speak. Daily update can be seen at .

Friday, November 23, 2018

Updating finally

I've been inactive here for too long .Still on my professional illustration life with daily drawing and occasional commissions. Been keeping my Instagram at daily. Going to keep this blog going of course. Heres some art for ya.