Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another year coming to a close

Hmm it only seems like a year ago I was talking about 2012 being close and 2011 coming to an end, what else can I say about 2012 but what a year its been a few ups and many downs. The way time flies while your busy is a fairly funny thing, especially when you've been busy fending of bullshit and trying to paddle upstream with no paddle.
I planned to draw people on the flight but I found the window view more interesting (and my own wanderig thoughts), funny since it was a night flight.

Recent doodle, I need to get some ink soon.

Some recent notes I made recently for my story Ive been working on for almost two years now, I have some ideas n mind where to go next.

Another page from my story/rambling sci-fi, it's taking different turns than I expected at first.

A few doodle of my bro and his girl who hosted me quite nicely before I left Fla, also some folks at the airport.

More story doodles and a randomn semi likeness of my bro in Chi-town.

Random pen hatching, inspired by clouds.

Wandering doodles from the flight.

A sketc of my bro as a fruit ninja.

A quick sketch from the top of my head the other day.

Sketch of a tree from my stay in Orlando parking lot

A bit of my usual mental wandering.

Some notes for one a few projects I have going.

A dog that was always on a patio at the apartment complex where I was for a week, I swear a squirrel came up to the screen by him and danced like a methed up go-go dancer right in his face. That poor dog didn't even bark he just looked at me with a FML expression. I feel ya dog..I feel ya.

Good ol cyborg sketching

A watercolor from the other day, I left a lot of supplies in Fla but I have enough to make a few sketch books and to draw for a while though.
Another year of drawing, painting and thinking and shaking my head at the world almost as much as I shake it about my life and who I am. Well all things change and I made a move from good ol Florida to Chi-Town(not the city proper by the way) I am able to do this thanks to the kindness of one of my brothers, hopefully something comes together here. It's pretty apt a new location and new year coming up. I'll miss a few people in Florida alot but I will  never live in the town I left again..never. In any case a new place, a new year and new possibilities. Happy New Year folks!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

A December posting

I have been lagging behind in my updates since life has been demanding lately. I making a transition I'm a couple of weeks from where I am currently living in Florida to Chicago. It is a move that has been long overdue, finishing school was a big step for me and I had hoped coming back to my old town to try and salvage my moms estate would be a possible task but its been draining and has kept me from doing so much. I learned quite a few things about people as well that have made the distaste towards this town I've had for a while even more bitter.

On the good side I've had to really look at the progress I've made as a person and artist over the last several years, I threw myself into making art with the same mad frenzy I had before I had even thought art school was a possibility. Looking back its been a bizarre journey, made more poignant since yesterday was my birthday. A day of reflection, cleaning, drawing and wee bit of birthday drinking. In any case I have another journey ahead of me, farewell Florida hope I don't see you too soon again. As this town.....heh.

One quick note I like seeing the many different countries that visitors to this blog come from, I just want to thanks to everybody for stopping by and checking my stuff out.


posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Testing an app out

Hmm another month is going by and it's about that time to post up. Been a nice month so far, peaceful and I got a gig finally or will start it soon. I'm gonna be true a creature of the night, not sure what to expect concerning this job it could suck but I've had my share of shitty jobs and this one pays better than any of em . I gotta work through it whatever the demands may be and do what I can to see through this until hopefully better days.

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, October 8, 2012

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's a bit warm

Been another long crazy month, all I can say is damn this summer of 2012 not sure if it's just the heat or the basic craziness of human nature pouring out more so but I'll be glad to put a lot of the recent bullshit behind me, far behind me and get on with my life. Who would think the Boondocks got so much right sadly, one thing to laugh about it and another to experience it. In any case as usual  I've been drawing like a fiend, since there aint much for me if anything in this blasted town and it keeps my mind of the heat....or madness whichever comes first in the morning. Just a few of the recent sketches and doodles.

This is definitely inspired by the late great Jean Giraud/Moebius/Gir a huge inspiration for me, a lot of my art was/is inspired by him actually. Thanks for all the awesome art dude.

As a final note I'm getting rid of the banner, that damn cat ran of  plus it's too big and obnoxious to me now. I have to do something else nice soon or may just leave it not sure yet. Otherwise I'm going back to the drawing board literally, I have many lines to draw before I sleep tonight.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Been a bit of time since my last update and let me just say it's been crazy, I understand more than why you have to be careful who you let in your house much less stay there more than ever now. In any case that fool is gone, nobody was seriously hurt, and I saw things clearly that night. In any case on to a few of my late night doodles, more to come soon once I scan them.